Sample letters to a friend in English - About one’s preferences
15 Янв 2023, 22:20

Each person has their own preferences, someone likes collecting stamps, others prefer reading books of their favorite authors, and there are also people, who are fond of some natural sports. In this section you can also find sample of letters about music, movies, painters, museums, etc.

About one's preferences

About one's preferences, № 1

Dear Lucy,
Thank you for your letter! Sorry that I haven’t written to you for so long but I was busy all this time.
It was interesting to learn that you love soap operas. Of course this is very interesting, but I prefer active relaxation. In my opinion it is more modern king of entertainment that benefits the body.
One of my favorite entertainment is skating. I love to go with friends to an ice palace in Novomoskovsk. There are specially equipped rooms for figure skating.
I also like other entertainments such as going to the movies. This is very fun and interesting. You can watch all new movies and discuss them with friends.
Lucy, You said you are taking part in the school play. It is very interesting. I would like to know the name of that play? I really wonder what role you play in it. Please tell me when will you have a performance? I would love to see it.
Sorry, I must finish now.
Best wishes,

About one's preferences, № 2

Dear Helen,
How are things going on? Did something new happen in your life?
I want to tell you about my hobby — dancing. For me life is a dance. I cannot imagine myself without it. Every moment swing, turn, make the world brighter.
I have been dancing since I was 5. And it is a passion of my life. At first, I danced ballroom dances. It is very beautiful and elegant. Dress, heels, hair — what could be more beautiful? Before going on a stage you feel excitement. But once the music starts to play, there is a great desire to come out and shows everybody what you are capable of. And exit. Crowds of people are watching your every movement your smile. And it is a true happiness.
But now I’m fond of modern dancing. They allow to reveal the soul more. This dance is something magical, and not matter what direction you practice.
And what is your hobby?
Could you tell me about it?
Your friend,

About one's preferences, № 3

Dear Barbara,
You said you’re favorite book is A Dog on Ham Street. I’ve never heard of it before, could you tell me what it is about?
 I don’t generally enjoy books, but when I was younger I loved to read the Harry Potter series and The series of Unfortunate events. Have you ever read any of those books? My favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
It was nice to hear back from you, and I can’t wait to meet you. Take care!  
Cordially yours,

About one's preferences, № 4

Dear Polly,    
I'm so happy to get your letter. It's wonderful that reading is your hobby! 
As for me, I like reading and books play a very important role in my life. Unfortunately I don't have enough time for reading because I 'm busy with my studies. That's why I don't spend a lot of time on reading. I read a lot in summer when I 'm on holiday. Of course, I like adventure novels best of all.
At the same time I read newspapers and magazines. As for my favourite book in my childhood, it was Cinderella. I read it a lot of times.
Write back soon! 
With love, 

About one's preferences, № 5

Dear Steve,
I was happy to receive your letter. It was so interesting for me to read your news! 
In your letter you ask me about my preference related to the cinema. Of course, I'm fond of films and I often watch them in the cinema. It's a great pleasure to enjoy a good film! As a rule, my friends and I go to the cinema twice a month. Last week we saw "Puss in Boots". It was a funny cartoon and we laughed a lot. My dream is to watch old silent movies.
Unfortunately, they aren't on at the cinema nowadays.
Sorry, I have to go to the shop now. Keep in touch.
With love,

About one's preferences, № 6

Dear Kate,
Thanks a lot. I was happy to get your letter. I was surprised that you can ride a horse.
In your letter you asked me about my favorite activity. I like to play the guitar. Of course it 's my hobby. I began to play this musical instrument when I was nine. And now I play very difficult musical compositions.
What's more, I've taken part in several contests. I 'm sure that it's rather difficult to play the guitar because you must practice a lot to be successful.
As for my dream, I 'd like to become a famous guitarist.
I'm sorry I must go to musical school. Write back soon! 
Best wishes,

About one's preferences, № 7

Dear Ann,
Thank you for your letter. I 'm happy to receive it!
You want to know what kind or music I listen to. I'd like to tell you that music is my hobby and I'm fond of pop music. I have got a wonderful collection of CDs at home. Besides, my preferences depend on my mood.
Sometimes I like to listen to romantic and calm music. Other day I prefer energetic dance music. As for my favourite singer, he's Dima Bilan. His songs are so wonderful! You're interested in my parents' attitude towards my music preferences. They share my interests and we often discuss songs or music video.
Write back soon!    
Best wishes,

About one's preferences, № 8

Dear Steve,
It’s great to hear from you again! I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long, because I was busy with my school work.
It’s so good that you’re doing projects at school.
You asked me about reading habits in my family. Well, I’m keen on reading scientific books. My sister prefers reading novels and poems. As for my parents they are interested in newspapers.
I’m glad that your sister has got married recently. Where did she and her husband meet? How long had they been living together before they got married? How does he look like?
Anyway, I must go because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. Write soon!

About one's preferences, № 9

Dear Tom,
It’s a great pleasure to receive a letter from you. Sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I was busy with preparing for exams.
My classmates and I go to museums about three or four times a year, it’s not too often. My favourite museum is the Hermitage, which is located in St. Petersburg. I’m sure that everyone should visit the Hermitage at least once because this museum has a long history connected with Russian imperial family.
Which month are you planning to go hiking exactly? Is your sister going to join you? What place have you chosen?
Well, I’d better go because I promised mom to help with the housework.
Hope to hear from you soon.

About one's preferences, № 10

Dear Sheryl,
It was great to hear from you! I'm really glad you passed your History test.
You asked me about hobbies which are popular with Russian teens. Well many teenagers are interested in music and playing computer games. Others are into collecting or doing sports. As for me, my hobby is cooking. I collect traditional Russian recipes and cook these dishes. However, I feel I don’t have enough time for my hobby as I’ve got too much homework. If I had more free time, I’d take up photography. It’s really exciting.
Anyway, it’s great that school is over. What are you going to do in summer? Will you stay with your grandparents? Would you like to visit other countries?
Well, I’d better go now. I’ve got to get ready for my piano class. Wish me luck!
Take care, 

About one's preferences, № 11

Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. I'm happy to get it.
I agree with you that it's a pleasure to turn over the pages of a book in a bookshop when choosing it. Besides you can read the fragments and look at the pictures. 
As for my favourite novel, it is "One Hundred Years of Solitude'' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It's about the Buendia family who lives in South America. The novel is full of mysterious events and the characters have magical abilities. I think that the most important thing in a novel is its plot because it helps us to follow the characters and analyze their behavior.
Well, are you going to take part in the quiz show? What tasks will there be in the show? Where will it take place?
Take care!   
Best wishes, 

About one's preferences, № 12

Dear Paul,
Thanks for your letter. It is so nice to get news about you and your family.
It's great that you like rap because I am fond of it. I have a lot of disks with foreign and Russian rappers. However, my friends prefer heavy metal. Tastes differ, you know.
I think rap influenced your starting to play the guitar. How long have you studying? Is it difficult? What kind of guitar have you got?
Well, I must finish now. It's time to go to bed.
Best wishes,


See also:

Sample letters to a friend in English

How I spent the summer

About my family

About the pets

About sports

About my school 

About cities and countries

About one’s preferences


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